Drivers Sangha Lvt 0027

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Contents.Development The Alligator The LVT had its origins in a civilian rescue vehicle called the Alligator. Developed by in 1935, the Alligator was intended to operate in swampy areas, inaccessible to both traditional cars and boats. Two years later, Roebling built a redesigned vehicle with improved water speed. The, which had been developing doctrine based on the ideas of and others, became interested in the machine after learning about it through an article in and convinced Roebling to design a more seaworthy model for military use.Both the US Navy and Roebling resisted the idea of a military design, the US Navy because it felt conventional landing craft could do the job, and Roebling because he wished his invention to be used only for peaceful purposes. Roebling was persuaded after war broke out in Europe, and completed a militarized prototype by May 1940. The Bureau of Ships requested a second prototype with a more powerful engine, and the USMC tested the design in November 1940.

Impressed by the second prototype, the Bureau of Ships placed a contract for production of 100 units of a model using all-steel construction, for a more rugged and easily produced design, and the first LVT-1 was delivered in July 1941. Another 200 units were ordered even before the first production units were delivered. After more improvements to meet requirements of the Navy, made difficult by Roebling's lack of blueprints for the initial designs, the vehicle was adopted as 'Landing Vehicle Tracked' or LVT. The LVT-1 design The contract to build the first 200 LVTs was awarded to the (FMC), a manufacturer of spray pumps and other farm equipment, which built some parts for the Alligators. The initial 200 LVTs were built at FMC's factory, where most of the improvement work had been done as well. The first production LVT rolled out of the plant in July, 1941.

Later, wartime LVT production was expanded by FMC and the Navy to four factories, including the initial facility in Dunedin; the new facilities were located in, and.The LVT-1 could carry 18 fully equipped men or 4,500 pounds (2,041 kg) of cargo. Originally intended to carry replenishment from ships to shore, they lacked and their tracks and suspension were unreliable when used on hard terrain. However, the Marines soon recognized the potential of the LVT as an assault vehicle. A battalion of LVTs was ready for 1st Marine Division by 16 February 1942. The LVTs saw their first operational use in Guadalcanal, where they were used exclusively for landing supplies.

About 128 LVTs were available for the landings.LVT-2 Buffalo and other developments As early as January 1940, Roebling had prepared preliminary sketches of an LVT with a gun turret to provide fire support to the landing waves. The concept languished until June 1941, when USMC recommended development of an LVT armed with a 37mm gun and three machine guns and armored against 0.50 (12.7mm) machine gun fire.

Development was slow and ultimately involved a complete redesign of the LVT, the LVT-2 Buffalo. Armored versions were introduced as well as fire support versions, dubbed Amtanks, which were fitted with turrets from (LVT(A)-1) and (LVT(A)-4).Among other upgrades were a new powerpack (engine and cooling accessories), also borrowed from the Stuarts, and a rubber 'torsilastic' which improved performance on land. After Borg-Warner evaluated the LVT-1, Borg-Warner and FMC began work on new designs. FMC was assisted by faculty from Caltech and the University of California and developed the designs that became the LVT-2 and the LVT(A)-1. Interest in the LVT was enough that the Secretary of the Navy formed the Continued Board for the Development of the Landing Vehicle Tracked on 30 October 1943.Production continued throughout the war, resulting in 18,616 LVTs delivered. 23 US Army and 11 USMC battalions were equipped by 1945 with LVTs.

British and Australian armies also used LVTs in combat during World War II.In the late 1940s, a series of prototypes were built and tested, but none reached production stage due to lack of funding. Realizing that acquisition of new vehicles was unlikely, the Marines modernized some of the LVT-3s and LVT(A)-5s and kept them in service until the late 1950s.Combat history. LVT-1 move toward the beach on Guadalcanal. The is seen in the background.As LVT-1s were unarmed, the Marines decided to arm them using any available machine gun.

Each one was armed with three.30-caliber machine guns (sometimes water-cooled models) and a.50-caliber machine gun. Organization of LVTs of the Amphibian Tractor Battalions for the assault:. Company 'A' of 1st Battalion with thirty LVT-1 was assigned to the which was to land on Guadalcanal. A platoon of LVT-1s would go ashore on assigned to 2nd Marine Battalion. Company 'B' was assigned to the. The remainder of the 1st Battalion remained with the 's support group.

Company 'A' of the 2nd Battalion was assigned to, the landing force reserve.Tarawa In the in late 1943, the LVTs were first used for amphibious assault in order to negotiate the barrier reef and arrive to the most heavily defended beaches the Americans ever met in the Pacific. This was also the first use of the LVT-2 Water Buffalo in combat. LVTs took part in the first, second and third waves of landings, and carried the continuous supply of ammunition, reinforcements, and ferrying back of the injured. Of 125 vehicles used (50 new LVT-2 and 75 LVT-1), only 35 remained operational by the end of the first day. Still, a number managed to successfully ferry men and supplies across the coral reef and through the shallows to the beach.


Disabled LVTs and a on Tarawa.2nd Amphibian Tractor Battalion had only about 79 LVT-1 and 50 LVT-2 (directly shipped from San Diego) available for the assault, and most of the troops had to disembark from 'Higgins boats', and wade across the reef chest-deep or higher water while under heavy enemy fire. American casualties were very heavy and many who made to the beach alive had lost their and other essential gear.Developments in the Pacific After Tarawa, many changes were made. The USMC recommended that a battalion of armored LVTs, two companies of and two battalions of cargo LVTs be assigned to each division in future amphibious operations. The number of LVTs by battalion was increased to 300; before Tarawa it was 100. Due to mechanical reliability problems after every landing, the Marines replaced all LVTs used in operations.As a result of Tarawa experience, standardized armor kits were provided for the LVTs to be used in contested landings.

Other improvements were made in the damage repair area, machine gun shields and also in the LVT design, to increase crew and LVT survivability.The gun-armed 'amtank' LVT(A)-1 and LVT(A)-4 were developed to provide fire support. Armed with a 75mm howitzer, the latter was introduced in 1944 just before the, and was especially effective in this role as it was capable of destroying Japanese fortifications as it came ashore. Its howitzer complemented the 75mm gun of the used by the Marines.

However, the LVT(A)-4 had an open-topped turret, which left the crew vulnerable to artillery and infantry attack, especially to the latter, as it lacked any sort of machine gun armament. The lack of machine gun armament was eventually rectified, though the open-topped turret remained in order to save weight. Although usually used in a direct role during landings only (once inland the 'amtanks' were assigned to artillery formations to augment their firepower), in the 'amtanks' were employed inland, much like regular tanks.Bougainville In November 1943, US Marines. 29 LVTs were landed on the first day, with a total of 124 LVTs operating with the Marines during the landing.Marshall Islands In the the full range of the LVT models became available, including armed Amtrac LVTs based on the proven LVT-2 with a tank gun turret. This provided close-in firepower as the cargo LVTs neared the beach. The combination of armoured cargo LVT-2 and the armed LVT(A)-1 together helped to capture the Marshalls far ahead of schedule.Saipan saw the massive use of the LVTs by the USMC with six battalions of cargo LVT, including the new ramped LVT-4, and two battalions of armored Amtracs, employing the new LVT(A)-4 with a 75 mm howitzer.Peleliu From the on, a number of LVTs were fitted with a for use against fortifications. The LVT was usually flanked by a pair of gun tanks for protection.

A number of LVTs were converted to armored ambulances carrying a and three. LVTs were also employed as guide boats for tanks unloading onto submerged reefs.Leyte The largest use of LVTs was in the in October 1944, with nine US Army amtrac and two amtank deployed. These US Army LVTs were later used in other landings.

54 LVT(4) tracked amphibious assault vehicles of the 672nd Amphibian Tractor Battalion as part of the raiding force on 23 February 1945 forged across Laguna de Bay and crashed the gates during the. They ferried the weakened liberated civilians back behind the lines during the contested withdrawal.Iwo Jima The LVT-4 played a crucial role both as the assault vehicle to carry troops and as the chief logistical vehicle in the first days of. Ashore, the LVTs were used to rescue wheeled vehicles that could not navigate 's soft volcanic ash and steep terraces. In addition, American troops used the LVTs to transport casualties from the front lines to evacuation sites on the beaches. The 75 mm howitzer on the LVT-4 provided important fire support as the Marines slowly advanced across the island.

Okinawa This was the largest landing in the Central Pacific drive. The new LVT-3, a redesign of internal arrangements, was used successfully through the long. Over 1000 LVTs took part in the.Europe In Europe, LVTs were mainly used for landings and river crossing operations as well as assaults in swampy zones. By the end of 1943, 200 LVT-1 had been delivered to the British Army for training, in preparation for future operations in Europe.

The U.S., and used the Buffalo in the (1944), during the crossing of the, along the in Italy, across the river Elbe, and in a number of other river crossing operations. Buffalo amphibians during the invasion of Walcheren Island, November 1944.LVTs were used in the, but their use by the United States was limited as the US Army doctrine in Europe viewed the as the answer to assault on heavily defended beaches. LVT-2s were used to help unload supplies after the landings on, from the cargo ships off the coast to the beach and through the nearby swamps.For the Rhine crossing, the British had some 600 Buffalos available, most of them used to transport the assault infantry. As mud was expected to hamper the Sherman DD tanks, some LVTs were armed with a 20 mm cannon and two machine guns to give fire support until bridges could be constructed across the river. The 'Specials' were assigned to the (which operated all specialist assault vehicles), that also provided Buffalos fitted with to create temporary roadways over the mud.The US Army used LVT-2s and LVT-4s in Europe in small numbers in 1944-45 for river crossing operations. LVT-2s and LVT-4s were used by US troops on the in 1945.

US Army LVT-4's were also used by to ferry troops across the in in April 1945.Five LVT-4 were supplied through to the, which used them when assaulting the well-defended west banks of the and rivers.North Africa The first operational use of the LVT in North Africa was in November 1942. A small number of LVT-1 were used during the landings on the coast of North Africa during. Four LVT-1 and two bulldozers were assigned to each shore party engineer company. Their tasks were towing vehicles and boat salvage operations. LVT-1s proved useful in getting stranded landing craft afloat, but they also experienced many mechanical failures.South East Asia Some of the reconnaissance units of the in operated LVT-1s. Although originally planned to fight against the Japanese on the Burmese coast at the end of 1943, this part of the operations plan was cancelled and no LVT-1s were used in combat.In 1945, the Amphibious support unit was created. Its LVT-4s and LVT(A)-4s supported Royal Marines landings in Burma and Malaya.Post WWII Some LVT-3s, LVT-3Cs, and modified LVT(A)-5s saw action in the.

The used the U.S.-supplied LVT-4s and LVT(A)-4s in the and in the. LVT-1 LVT-1 (1941) The first military model. Traveling at a respectable 6 knots (11 km/h; 6.9 mph) in the water and 12 miles per hour (19 km/h) on land, it could deliver 24 fully equipped assault troops to the beach and supply supporting fire from two.30 though it was only intended for delivering supplies inland until wheeled vehicles could be brought ashore. It was powered by a 146 bhp (109 kW) six-cylinder petrol engine, mounted in a housing in the rear cargo hold.

The LVT-1 was propelled on both land and water by tracks which were fitted with Roebling patented oblique shoes that gave good grip on land as well as good drive in the water. Apart of the forward driver's compartment, the bulk of the unarmoured steel hull was given over to a 4,500 pounds (2,000 kg) payload cargo hold which was divided into several watertight compartments. 1,225 LVT-1s were built between 1941 and 1943, 485 were transferred to US Army and 200 to British Army. LVT-1 had a maximum speed of 12 mph (19 km/h) on land or 6.9 mph (11.1 km/h) in water; and a range of 210 miles (340 km) on land or 60 miles (100 km) in water.No armor or weapons were included in its design as its role was cargo transport from ship to shore. Many vehicles were refitted prior to the to hold two.50 inches (13 mm) Browning heavy machine guns forward, with the.30 guns aft. The vehicle was not armored and its thin steel hull offered virtually no protection, although prior to Tarawa some vehicles received 9 mm (0.35 in) of armor plating to the cab.

Tracks performed well on, but not on tough surfaces. The rigid suspension threw tracks and roller bearings corroded in salt water. Proper maintenance of the new machine was often an issue, as few Marines were trained to work on it, and early models suffered frequent breakdowns.

As LVT-1 vehicles experienced many breakdowns they were gradually phased out of operational use before 1945.LVT-2 Water Buffalo, British designation Buffalo II (1942). LVT-2 Water Buffalo with Marines bound for the beaches of Tinian Island, 1944This was an improved version of LVT-1. It featured a new powertrain (To save time and to simplify production it was the same as that in the light tank) and torsilastic suspension. The aluminium track grousers were bolted on, making changes much easier since they wore out quickly on land and even more so on coral. Hard terrain performance was much better compared to the LVT-1.

2,962 units were produced for the US Navy, who then proceeded to transfer 1,507 to the US Army and 100 to the British Army. With a maximum speed of 20 mph (32 km/h) on Land (or 7.5 mph (12.1 km/h) on water) and an operational range of miles on land (or 50 mi (80 km) on water) the LVT-2 could carry a payload of 6,950 lb (3,150 kg).LVT-2s participated in more campaigns that any other LVT variant, including Tarawa, Roi-Namur, Cape Gloucester, Northern Kwajalein, Saipan, Guam, Tinian, Peleliu, Iwo Jima, Okinawa and in some parts of Europe, such as the Rhine crossing of.LVT(A)-1 (1942). LVT(A)-1The first infantry support LVT.

With the first experience of Pacific amphibious operations it was clear heavier firepower than the usual.50 in guns was needed. Based on the LVT-2, A standing for armored, this fire support version had an armored (6 to 12 mm) hull.

It was fitted with a turret nearly identical to that of the, with a in an M44 mount, and also carried two rear-mounted machine guns, 509 units were produced. The vehicle's hull was covered in 6-12mm of armor plate, and the vehicle was powered by a 262 bhp (195 kW) air-cooled petrol engine.

Despite the limitations imposed by the turret, it could still carry a limited payload of 1,000 lb (450 kg) of cargo and had a quite respectable speed of 25 mph (40 km/h) on land and 6.5 mph (10.5 km/h) in water, and an operational range of 125 mi (200 km) on land or 75 mi (120 km) in water.These vehicles were intended to provide fire support to the assaulting Marines in the early stages of establishing a beachhead. It was common, however, for the LVT(A)s to commence firing whilst still in the water, which, considering the amount of naval gunfire that usually accompanied a landing, may have been a waste of ammunition.At Roi-Namur, the 24th Marines had support of LVT(A)-1s, but they could not close up enough to effectively support the troops from the beaches.

Other LVT(A)-1s supported the 22nd Marines landing at Engebi. By mid-1944, all LVT(A)-1s had been replaced by much more capable 75mm gun armed LVT(A)-4s.LVT(A)-2 Water Buffalo (1943) This was an armored version of the LVT-2 following the US Army request for an armored variant of the LVT-2 cargo Amtrac. Service in the South Pacific soon indicated more protection was needed.

This version had the driver's cab protected by 0.5 in (13 mm) of armor plate, and the rest of the hull with 6.5mm armor plate. By 1944, shields were added to protect the front gunners. Surprisingly the extra weight (27,000-lb total weight compared to the 24,250-lbs weight of the unarmored LVT-2) had no impact on performance and only increased the craft drawing some 5 cm more water when afloat. Capacity 18 troops. 450 units produced.LVT-4 Water Buffalo, British designation Buffalo IV (1943) FMC modified an LVT-2 in August 1943 by moving the engine forward and adding a large ramp door in the rear, allowing troops to exit from the rear of the vehicle. Capacity went from 16 troops in the LVT-2 to 30, making earlier LVTs largely obsolete. This innovation also greatly facilitated the loading and unloading of cargo.

Some vehicles received armor kits. It was by far the most numerous version of the LVT, with 8,348 units delivered; the US Army received 6,083, and the British Army 500. Many of the British LVT-4 were armed with a cannon and 2 ×.30 in (7.62 mm).Since no major changes were made to the engine and transmission of the LVT-2, the LVT-4 was completed much quicker than the LVT-3, with the first machines going into action at Saipan in June 1944.Sea Serpent The Sea Serpent was designed by the for use by the British in the. Its armament was two and a machine gun. These would have been used by the 'flame battery' of the 34th Amphibian Support Regiment, in any assault on the Japanese mainland but the war ended before they were used. LVT(A)-3 Armored version of the LVT-4, never approved for production.LVT-3 Bushmaster (1944).

LVT-3Developed by the as their Model B in April 1943. To allow for rear loading, the engines were moved to the and a ramp installed in the rear, and slightly wider to provide room for a Jeep to be carried in the cargo hold. Some received armor kits. First used in combat in Okinawa in April 1945.

Drivers Sangha Lvt 0027 10

2,962 units produced, with many remaining in US service until 1955 when they were finally superseded by the LVTP-5. Powered by the same twin 148 bhp Cadillac V-8 petrol engines and transmission of the M5 light tank, it could carry a payload of 9,000 lbs or 30 fully armed soldiers.

It performed with efficiency and greater reliability, as more maintenance time was generally available than during the hectic days of the major World War II. The LVT(3)C remained standard with the Marine Corps until the introduction of the first major post—war design, the LVT(P)5, in 1953. Overall weight of the craft was 26,600 lbs, and its maximum speed was 17 mph on land or 6 mph on water, with an operational range of 150 miles on land or 75 miles on water.LVT(A)-4 (1944) The 37 mm gun of the LVT(A)-1 was inadequate for fire support version so the turret of the - armed with a 75 mm howitzer - was used to produce the LVT (A)-4. In some cases, the 75 mm was replaced with the.

A single.50 cal machine gun was installed on the ring mount above the turret rear. In the late production vehicles, the heavy machine gun was replaced with two M1919A4.30 MGs on pintle mounts and one more in the bow mount.

1,890 units produced, and 1,307 were transferred to US Army and 50 to British Army.The Chinese PLA captured several from Nationalist forces during the Civil War and placed them in service, eventually modifying some by replacing the 75 mm howitzer with the 37 mm M6 tank gun and others with the 57 mm anti-tank gun, complete with shield, the conversion also necessitating the removal of the original mantlet.LVT(A)-5 (1945) LVT(A)-4 with a powered turret and a for the howitzer. Some were upgraded in the late 1940s by changing the armor configuration.

Drivers Sangha Lvt 0027

269 units produced. TM 9-784.

Drivers Sangha Lvt 0027

TM 9-1784. (PDF). War Department.

January 1945. Dunstan, Simon (21 February 2019). French Armour in Vietnam 1945–54. New Vanguard 267. Osprey Publishing. Icks, Robert J. 'Landing Vehicles Tracked'.

Profile Publishing. (1999).

Amtracs: US Amphibious Assault Vehicles. New Vanguard 30. Osprey Publishing.

Zaloga, Steven (1983). Armour of the Pacific War. Osprey Publishing.External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to. Popular Mechanics, June 1944. close up photo of first Amtrack vehicle tested.