Objectives Motessori Program

2020. 2. 29. 16:43카테고리 없음

As parent night approached, I found myself in a conundrum of sorts. I had overheard parents talking to my assistant about what was happening in my classroom and questioning what I was doing. I am, after all, the new teacher. Unfortunately, I am the third new teacher this particular class has had in just two years. The parents are confused.

Montessori Method

After all, weren’t their children supposed to spend three years with the same teacher? The two teachers last year didn’t work out and they’re having difficulty believing that I will. Some are even upset that I’m allowing the children to have a choice of work in the classroom. They are “old school”, firm in their belief that their children need direction and to be told what to do at all times. How will they ever learn if I don’t give stringent guidelines and specific assignments?With this knowledge in hand, I prepared myself more closely than I had in previous years. What does a Montessori teacher do?

Why do we teach Montessori? To me, it seemed like the ideal time to remind myself and the parents around me about the goals of Montessori education. I pulled out my Montessori books and course manuals. I re-read my own blogs and the writings of others. I emailed colleagues asking if I was right in my interpretation of the goals of a Montessori education. After all of my research, I felt empowered. I am striving to prepare an environment that allows me to follow the child. After all of my soul-searching, I felt a sense of renewal.

It’s all about the children. And it’s my place to defend their right to learn in an environment that allows them to reach their fullest potential.The goal of education in the Montessori classroom.is first and foremost the development of skills necessary for a productive and fulfilling life.


Sunshine Preschool Montessori Program

The best of the academic curriculums are.of little value if the child does not develop inner discipline, integrity, and respect for others and oneself. (The Montessori Foundation/International Montessori Council: The Montessori Approach to Discipline)Read more about the goals of Montessori eduation in NAMC’s. As much as possible, ’s web blog reflects the Montessori curriculum as provided in its teacher training programs. We realize and respect that Montessori schools are unique and may vary their schedules and offerings in accordance with the needs of their individual communities. We hope that our readers will find our articles useful and inspiring as a contribution to the global Montessori community. © North American Montessori Center - originally posted in its entirety at on Sunday, September 9, 2007. Are you interested in reading back through NAMC's blog articles from years gone by, or for more information on a specific topic?Browse a select list of our most popular categories below; by clicking on one, you will see every article posted under that topic since 2007.

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Maria Montessori, Italian educator and physician was the person who developed psychologically ingrained methods of educating children. Devoting her entire life to develop the same, she is immensely respected, honored and acknowledged for her work. Pioneer in children’s education, her method of teaching the children is widely accepted all across the world.The main purpose of Montessori education is to help every child develop essential skills already within him to master the creative learning process all through his life. It is all about helping him develop the skills essential for success, not only in school, but also in life.

How does Montessori education work?Montessori education is about inculcating the thirst of knowledge in the child, developing a sense of order, nurture functional creativity, boost self-confidence and most importantly, bring in a sense of independence. The purpose of Montessori education is generally achieved in two ways in the classroom. The first one is all about allowing the child to have a hands-on experience by exploring the choices available and picking his own choice and is not forced down.

In the second case, he is helped to perfect the art of learning with the help of the natural tools available to him, such that his ability to learn in future situations is extreme. With this dual long range purpose of Montessori education coupled with the immediate purpose of helping the child with specific information goes a long way during the formative years. Montessori education and the childCare, love and attention along with a proper learning environment are crucial to help the child learn. After all, children are individuals who differ from each other and must be respected. Proving them with a fun and safe learning environment is vital and the purpose of Montessori education aim in achieving the same.The carefully planned, Montessori materials help develop natural curiosity of the child which helps him in later life in a continuous learning process even outside the classroom.

He is motivated by natural curiosity from within and develops a love for knowledge. Maria Montessori strongly felt that the purpose of childhood education is not about filling the child with cliched pre-selected course of studies, but help the child cultivate his own desire to learn naturally. The child and learning environment provided by Montessori educationThe stimulating environment provided to the child is planned with care to help the child develop a solid foundation for future creative learning. The learning activities provided are individualized, so that the learning task appeals to the child-this helps develop a positive attitude towards school.Another major purpose of Montessori education is to help develop self confidence in the child. The tasks are carefully designed on what that child has already mastered, so as to help the child take a step forward without the negative experience of numerous failures.

Such confidence building activities contribute a lot towards the emotional development of the child along with fostering an permanent curiosity.The activities provided to the child aid in building the habit of concentration. The learning environment is so prepared that the child has a series of absorbing experiences that helps him form habits of gradual extended span of attention. Montessori learning environment is all about surrounding the child with learning activities and appealing materials.Helping develop habits of persistence and initiative- which is an essential leadership quality is another primary purpose of Montessori education. The child is provided with a social environment that is conducive to his unique development. A proper Montessori education is all about making the child ready for all his future learning processes.